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FDIV              Divide Real                 Exception Flags: I D Z O U P

FDIV [[destination,] source]

       Logic:      ST(1) . ST(1)/ST, pop stack   (no operands)
                   ST . ST/memory location       (source only)
                   ST . ST/ST(i)                 (destination, source)

     FDIV divides two real numbers. If you do not specify any operands, ST(1)
     is divided by ST, the result is placed in ST(1), and then the stack is
     popped. If you specify a memory operand as a source, ST is divided by
     that operand and the result is left in ST. If you specify both a source
     and a destination, ST must be one operand and ST(i) another.

     If you specify a memory operand, it is converted to temporary real format
     before it is operated on.

   Operands            Clocks         Bytes           Example
   FDIV                193-203          3             FDIV
   FDIV MEMORY_REAL    215-230+EA       5             FDIV REAL_NUMBER
   FDIV ST, ST(i)      197-207          3             FDIV ST,ST(1)

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